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BotGuard provides an ISPmanager 6 hosting control panel integration module. The module can be installed from the operating systems package repository. We support the following Linux operating systems:

  • Debian 11 ("bullseye"), 10 ("buster")
  • Ubuntu 22.04 ("jammy"), 20.04 ("focal")
  • RHEL/CentOS 8, 7

The integration procedure depends on the type of operating system used.

Debian, Ubuntu prerequisites

BotGuard ISPmanager integration module supports Apache and/or Nginx web servers.

Check which version of Apache you are using with the following command:

apt info apache2


We assume you are using the root account (use sudo -s or su - if necessary).

You need to install the BotGuard module for Apache as described in the Apache Integration Manual. The module parameters are configured via ISPmanager.

Check which version of Nginx you are using if any:

apt info nginx

If you are using an outdated version of Nginx (for example, 1.16 from the ispsystem-base source), you need to update it:

  • add Nginx repository as stated in the official instruction
  • update the installed Nginx version:
    apt update && apt upgrade nginx

If you are using the Nginx web server, then you must additionally install the BotGuard module for Nginx, as described in the Nginx Web Server integration manual. The module parameters are configured via ISPmanager.

If you're using Nginx, BotGuard module for Apache must be disabled:

a2dismod botguard
service apache2 restart

Install the BotGuard module for ISPmanager:

apt install ispmanager-plugin-botguard

RHEL, CentOS prerequisites

BotGuard ISPmanager integration module supports Apache and/or Nginx web servers.

Check which version of Apache you are using with the following command:

yum info httpd


We assume you are using the root account (use sudo -s or su - if necessary).

You need to install the BotGuard module for Apache as described in the Apache Integration Manual. The module parameters are configured via ISPmanager.

Check which version of Nginx you are using if any:

yum info nginx
If you are using the Nginx web server, then you must additionally install the BotGuard module for Nginx. Since ISPmanager uses a stable but outdated version of Nginx, and the BotGuard module for Nginx requires an exact match with the one used version of Nginx, the installation procedure will be slightly different from that described in the manual.

Import the BotGuard package digital signature key:

rpm --import
Add the BotGuard repository to the system repositories:
yum install yum-utils yum-plugin-versionlock
yum-config-manager --add-repo
Install the BotGuard Nginx extension module:
yum install --disablerepo botguard --disablerepo botguard-nginx-mainline --enablerepo botguard-nginx nginx-mod-botguard
Lock installed module version:
yum versionlock nginx-mod-botguard
Add the following line at the very beginning of the main Nginx configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
load_module /usr/lib64/nginx/modules/;
Restart the Nginx service:
systemctl restart nginx
The module parameters are configured via ISPmanager. If using Nginx, BotGuard module for Apache must be disabled. To do this, comment out the line starting with LoadModule, in the /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/01-botguard.conf file and restart the Apache:
systemctl restart httpd
Install the BotGuard module for ISPmanager:
yum install ispmanager-plugin-botguard


In the ISPmanager control panel, log in as a root user, proceed to the Settings » BotGuard — bot management page and enter your API key and assigned BotGuard servers:


ISPmanager Business Edition

If ISPmanager is configured to use several servers (cluster), then additional steps are required:

  • Complete the integration procedure on each server in the cluster, including the master.

  • After saving BotGuard settings on the main server, transfer the following configuration files from the main server to the other servers in the cluster, replacing the existing ones:

    • /etc/httpd/conf.d/botguard.conf
    • /etc/httpd/conf.d/botguard.json
    • /etc/nginx/conf.d/50-botguard.conf
  • Restart the nginx and apache services on each of the servers:
    service nginx restart
    service httpd restart

Using the module in ISPmanager

After the configuration is completed, users can enable or disable BotGuard protection by adding a new WWW-domain or editing an existing one:


The BotGuard button becomes available in the list of WWW-domains in the toolbar. It allows you to view the BotGuard events for a domain selected and configure the appropriate protection rules:


In addition, users can proceed to viewing BotGuard events and editing rules through the Tools → BotGuard — events and Tools → BotGuard — rules editor pages accordingly:
