BotGuard provides plugins for the DirectAdmin hosting control panel. The plugins helps to integrate BotGuard Bot Management features to the customers accounts and hosted websites.
We support the following Linux operating systems:
- Debian 12 ("bookworm"), 11 ("bullseye"), 10 ("buster")
- Ubuntu 22.04 ("jammy"), 20.04 ("focal"), 18.04 ("bionic")
- RHEL/CentOS 9, 8, 7
Please use the appropriate version of plugin, depending on your setup.
GateKeeper integration
You should have a BotGuard GateKeeper instance to use this plugin. GateKeeper use Redis database
The BotGuard plugin is installed as follows:
On the Plugin Manager page, click Add Plugin… button. The dialog window appears:
Please use the following URL to upload the plugin:
And use your admin password to confirm installation. Then click the Install button to finish the installation. Once the installation is complete, you can find the BotGuard GateKeeper item on the admin menu:
The GateKeeper plugin for DirectAdmin should be configured before you can use it.
Redis database running on GateKeeper instance is bound to loopback interfaces ( and ::1) by default. Edit /etc/redis/redis.conf
to expose your Redis installation at port 6379 for external connections using authentication.
Open BotGuard GateKeeper from Admin menu and provide your Redis server connection details: host, username and password.
Direct web server integration
BotGuard DirectAdmin plugin supports Apache and Nginx web servers (provided by DirectAdmin CustomBuild plugin). Both Nginx+Apache and Nginx-only modes are supported.
On the Plugin Manager page, click the Add Plugin… button. The dialog window appears:
Please use the following URL to upload the plugin:
and your admin password. Then click the Install button to finish the installation. Once the installation is complete, you can find the BotGuard Bot Management item on the admin menu:
The BotGuard plugin for DirectAdmin should be configured before you can use it. On the BotGuard Bot Management page provide your BotGuard API key, the primary and secondary server addresses that are available at your BotGuard account:
Using the BotGuard Extension
You can easily enable the protection of the website when adding a domain:
You can also manage the website settings, view events, and view statistics: